Pitch Talk in DATE 2024, special session on "sustainable computing"


I am delighted to share my perspective from the real-time system designs on Sustainability at Design Automation and Test in Europe conference (DATE 2024), chaired by Ana-Lucia Varbanescu and Andrea Bartolini in this fantastic city. While the whole community have widely worked on energy efficiency over two decades, beyond this (e.g. carbon footprint), is rarely explored much. Besides ensuring such systems behave in time with all means (so time as the constraint), I emphasize to further embrace the timely runtime design (so time as the resource) to make the whole systems more sustainable. In this pitch, I showcase my recent experience to consider the usage of non-volatile memories in real-time systems – how to turn off the shared memory sustainably but safely?

Photo credited to Bruno Endres Forlin, who also gave a presentation on our paper “Lightweight instrumentation for accurate performance monitoring in RTOSes” in this great venue :) You can read it now on the blog of Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems (SIGBED): https://sigbed.org/2024/05/27/lightweight-instrumentation-for-accurate-performance-monitoring-in-rtoses/

Mar 26, 2024 —
Valencia, Spain
Kuan-Hsun Chen
Kuan-Hsun Chen
Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering

In this era, I make computing systems future-proof and future-ready.