Two papers accepted in DATE 2024

Congratulations to Bruno Endres Forlin, Nikolaos Alachiotis, Luca Cassano, and Marco Ottavi that our paper “Lightweight Instrumentation for Accurate Performance Monitoring in RTOSes” is accepted by DATE 2024 as an extended abstract!

Due to the limited set of tools available for monitoring performance counters, evaluating performance metrics in embedded systems poses challenges. In this work, we utilize performance monitoring counters to observe individual user applications within the RTOS environment, which enables comprehensive application monitoring by strategically placing probes at points of inherent system interference, thereby minimizing additional overhead. A pre-calibration of these probes allows for fine-grained measurements within user applications. This results in the elimination of 100% of the overheads for most counters in our test configuration, impacting the context switch by only three additional instructions per monitored counter.

Moreover, another paper, entitled “FLInt: Exploiting Floating Point Enabled Integer Arithmetic for Efficient Random Forest Inference” is accepted as an extended abstract in DATE 2024 as well! Congratulations to Christian Hakert and Jian-Jia Chen! The full version can be found on ArXiv.

Kuan-Hsun Chen
Kuan-Hsun Chen
Assistant Professor

In this era, I make computing systems future-proof and future-ready.