Reflections on OSPERT 2024

This year I am co-chair of 18th annual workshop on the “18th Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time applications” (OSPERT), together with Alex Zuepke (TU Munich).

Since 2005, OSPERT is a well-known ECRTS workshop and forum for researchers and engineers working on (and with) Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOSes) to present advances and trends in RTOS technology, to promote new and existing initiatives and projects, and to identify and discuss the challenges that lie ahead. The workshop, now in its 18th year, provides the RTOS community with an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, network, and discuss future directions. Regrettably, this year we only received two submissions. For the interest of the communities, we decided to make a joint day program with RT-AutoSec and RT-Cloud, ended with a joint panel.

Again, many thanks to the technical program committee: Catherine Nemitz, Davidson College Christian Dietrich. Technische Universität Hamburg Daniel Casini, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Gedare Bloom, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Junjie Shi, Technische Universität Dortmund Marine Sauze-Kadar, CEA-Leti Mohamed Hassan, McMaster University Takuya Azumi, Saitama University

Next year I will chair for OSPERT together with Marion Baumli Sudvarg, and hopefully again be a satellite workshop of ECRTS 2025, in Brussels, Belgium.

Kuan-Hsun Chen
Kuan-Hsun Chen
Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering

In this era, I make computing systems future-proof and future-ready.